The Dreamers Tomb
Your character has had a dream of chasing a beautiful woman in the city of Zobeide, lust causes him to go out and search for the city. Alas, the city of Zobeide was found, but looks complely deserted. The character carelessly walks into the walls of the towering city only to get lost for months. The player starts where character wakes from a nap, the character has already climbed one of the highest floating structures in Zobeide. While being lost for so long he has lost hope for finding the beautiful woman. His time is spent looking for an exit. He must use the height of the structure to determine where the exit lies. The player must use loose columns and switches to overcome the traps left behind by Zobeide's architects.Through trial and error i have created a couple of concepts for the Zobeide game map. I originally wanted to use this prototype as the plan for the level, but unreal has proven itself to be quit the patience tester when the time came to actually test the level out with the place holders. With feedback from others and by testing the level myself i have found that the level was too square and was very easy to hop over blockaded areas and obsticles. The main obsticle of the level is not being able to reach given areas, so the player must use the enviroment to find ways over the barriers. Now with this in mind i must create a more technical way of using platforming techniques to fit unreals player skills. I figure higher walls and a wider area would help.